Our AI Legal Assistant (AILA), has been trained and tested by our expert lawyers to answer your most frequently asked legal questions.
Try AILA today and gain clarity on your matters.
By using AILA you agree to our terms of use
Our AI Legal Assistant (AILA), has been trained and tested by our expert lawyers to answer your most frequently asked legal questions.
Try AILA today and gain clarity on your matters.
By using AILA you agree to our terms of use
Our secure platform uses the latest on-line tools & data science to streamline client-lawyer engagement
Highly experienced lawyers in our own law firm (LawBriefs) that sits on the platform, regulated by the SRA
No hidden charges. Fixed priced work legal work using expert lawyers, but at a much lower cost
The system allows for clear communication and feedback, I always knew what the next steps were. Both the account manager and solicitor were super accommodating and friendly. I will use this service for all of my legal matters moving forward.
Sebastian WestonThe lawyer who worked on my case was very experienced, had great communication skills and picked up on some very relevant points. Would recommend!
Jonathan Matthews